Sedona Airport Mesa

Sedona is truly a beautiful place as many of you know.  This is the view from atop a bluff where the airport sits.  It has to be the best airport view in the world.  I’d bet money (a small amount, I’m not crazy) that more people go to the airport to watch the sunset everyday than they do to fly.  There were tons of people up there, like us, for the view….of course this was long before the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Pittsburgh Airport Tram

MJ and I travel out of this airport frequently.  So we end up riding this tram, since it is a requirement to get from the Landside Terminal to the Airside Terminal.  It’s a fairly short ride and isn’t a problem.  For whatever reason, I recorded it last weekend when we were traveling to NYC.  This was recorded with my iPhone.  Enjoy….