Details at Acropolis

When I was walking around the Acropolis during our trip to Athens Greece, I tried to capture photos of the entire structure.  But I also took photos of the small details and portions of the structure.  I’m probably the one person who finds these things interesting.  I don’t know.  Maybe everyone finds these things interesting as well.   

Anyway, today’s photo is the upper corner of the Acropolis.  If you look closely, you can see a carved horse head at the very top of the roofline (see the enlarged image below).  I doubt most of the visitors even noticed this little detail.  Then again, maybe everyone noticed it immediately….. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

Check out the horse head in the circle above

Check out the horse head in the circle above

The Burgh At Night

Planning for this post, I wanted to use a photo different from my recent posts.  So I went into my archives to find something from last summer.  I took this photo while showing Michael Shilo Luzano around Pittsburgh.  We had a nice day exploring different parts of the city.  

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Ghost Ship At Sunrise

I can’t wait for the next Caribbean trip.  Until that day comes, I’ll have to settle on the memory of a past trip.  I took this photo at sunrise before 90% of the other tourists were even out of their beds.  Early photographer gets the photo….. 

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Seattle At Dawn

Here is a 25-exposure panorama of Seattle At Dawn.  I went to this spot the night before and took some pictures after dark.  I liked it so much, I returned the very next morning before sunrise to get this picture. 

To see the nighttime version click here:

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.