Sparks Fly

During the recent trip to Gary Indiana to film the 2nd Episode of “Shutter Rush” (look for it in the near future on Amazon Prime), we completed some Steel Wool photos in a number of locations.  Jason did all the spinning while Jake, Blair, Mike, Bob and I captured it with video, photo and sound.  This is from the basement of the abandoned U.S. Post Office.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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I’ve been off social media for a few days.  I just needed a break.  I’m back now.

While I was away, I spent the entire weekend out taking photos, which felt great.  One of the locations I photographed was the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, West Virginia.  We had full access to all the buildings for the entire morning, some portions of them going back to the Civil War.  One of the buildings on the large campus was a medical facility.  I can only guess what took place within that facility.  In the lowest level, I came across the morgue.  It still has a two-shelf human body cooler for storing bodies and a coffin on the floor.  MJ referred to this photo as creepy.  I didn’t feel that way, but I’m weird.


To view a larger version, click HERE

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The Basement

As you may recall, last summer MJ and I met dear friends in Columbus to hang out for the weekend.  While walking the streets, we got special access and a private tour of the Ohio Theater.  You can see a few prior pictures here:

While on our private tour, we covered many areas that the public can’t access.  One of our stops on the tour was this room in the basement.  It was so unusual, that I had to capture it.  I don’t know how to describe it…..  What do you think?  

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Here is a behind the scenes shot from Seattle.  

Here is the final photo from this location:


Abandoned Piano

Dave, Brad, and I were out on the hunt today for old and abandoned places.  We came upon a great location….. not sure I want to say where at this point.  In the basement of this old dormitory, we found the Day Room, which had this Mchlm & Sons piano.  I thought the scene was beautiful, but I am probably the only one.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.