Inside Carrie Furnace

Per my normal routine, I’ve been hopping around processing photos from different trips, photo walks, locations, dates, etc…  Last weekend I was processing photos I took in 2016 from the Carrie Furnace.  That’s when I found this beauty waiting to be viewed.  This was inside the main building that supported the steel blast furnace. 

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Industrial Urbex

Today’s post is another photo from the Carrie Furnace outside of Pittsburgh.  This former steel blast furnace help produce tons of steel per day, back when steel was actually made in Pittsburgh.  I liked how this yellow handle seems untouched by the decay and years of abandonment.     

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

Carrie Furnace Stack

Today a few of us rented the Carrie Furnace so we’d have the place to ourselves to get access to photograph this great place.  It is the last remaining blast furnace left in the Pittsburgh area from the steel industry that has been gone for a long time.  It was originally part of the Homestead Steel Works.  It was built in 1884 and closed in 1982.  Back in the day, it produced over 1,000 tons of iron per day that was sent across the hot metal bridge to another plant that turned it into steel.  This photo is on the backside of the plant looking up at some of the metal structure.

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