Bagger Mayhem Racing

Here are a few photos from the Sonoma Raceway.  I was there with @baggermayhem racing team working as part of their digital/media team.  These photos are of their Bagger GP bike. 

Big thanks to them for allowing me to be a part of the team.  I also want to thank all the great folks at their sponsors @harddriveparts @flomotorsports @vosshelmets @michelinmotorcycle @pennohiocycles

Here are more photos from the Bagger Racing League.  This time I’m posting photos of @baggermayhem racing (BMR) team’s Lite Weight bike

@jasonpohuski @jakemysliwczykphoto #sportphotographer #photog #sportphotog #professionalphotographer #sonomaraceway @harleydavidson #motorcyle

SF Fog

I hope you have a great weekend.  We don’t plan to do much, which is going to be a good thing. 


Tonight’s photo is from my last trip to San Francisco.  I know they get fog all the time, but I felt lucky to experience it while I was there.  As you can see, it was just starting to roll into the bay from the Pacific Ocean.


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California Bend

Here is a photo I took last Sunday of the Monongahela River (otherwise known as the “Mon River”) near California Pennsylvania.  I took a photo from this spot many years ago…maybe 6 years ago.  That time I took it from within a restaurant that looked out over this spot.  Now, that business is closed, so I captured the image with my drone.  That’s about the only way to get this perspective, due to the trees blocking the view, unless you break into the closed restaurant, which I wasn’t going to do.   Anyway, I hope you like the pic.

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Old and New

I like this city photo a bunch and I’m not really sure why.  Its probably just the contrast between the old building and the new skyscraper in the background. I took this last fall while I was in San Francisco.  I spent probably 8 hours over three days just walking around the city capturing random photos here and there.  It will be interesting to see if you like it as much as I do.  There are photos I expect to get lots of love that do and others that surprise me and don’t.  But I don’t know what to expect with this one.  So let’s find out.

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Long Beach

We took a cruise out of Long Beach California in 2018.  Like all of our cruises in the past, that was a great trip.  This was our first time leaving out of Long Beach.  As we were leaving, I captured this panorama with my iPhone.  I take a ton of iPhone photos and almost never show them to anyone.  I don’ t know why….the phone takes some great photos.  I just don’t.  So, this might be a first for me.  Anyway, enjoy this view of Long Beach CA.

 To view a larger version, click HERE

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Last spring, we left on a cruise out of Long Beach California.  MJ and I arrived a little ahead of time and spent some time around that area exploring the city and visiting with friends.  During that time, I took this photo of our hotel pool at night.  It was the most interesting thing in the area (we stayed in Carson), since the hotel was surrounded by industrial sites.

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Lombard Street

I’ve loved my past trips to San Francisco.  What a great city!  The last time I was there, I went to Lombard Street on two difference occasions.  This specific time, it was late at night.  I was basically the only person there.  The other time was during daylight and it was packed with cars and tourist.  I liked having it to myself the best.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Another Golden Gate Bridge Photo

If you were making a list of the most photographed sites in the world, I’d bet this bridge would be in the top ten list.  I’ve posted a number of photos of this bridge in the past, including one less then a month ago. 

I took this photo in early June from a hiking path near the Golden Gate Welcome Center on a very cold day for that time of the year.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Lombard Street

Like all tourist who visit San Francisco, I went to see Lombard Street.  I have to admit, it was fairly cool.  I visited it twice during my last SF visit.  I was there the first time during the daylight (bright light).  So I went back the next night to photograph it during and after sunset….  That’s when I captured this beauty looking up hill.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Double Golden

I don’t often have bad trips…maybe never.  But I don’t want every trip I take to sound like it was off the charts amazing.  I’m naturally optimistic and positive, which has an impact on my general outlook about my experiences.  All that said, I had a great time in San Francisco earlier this month.  On my 2nd evening, I took an Uber to the Golden Gate Bridge.  From there, I took a ton of photos around this historic landmark.  After capturing all the photographs I wanted at that spot, I started walking back toward the downtown area taking photos along the entire way.  Today’s photo is from that walk.  I was probably a mile east of the bridge heading towards the Palace of Fine Arts.  I wasn’t really thinking about it or planning it, but for some reason I looked backwards (back towards the area I had left) and saw this amazing view.  Thus, you get this great photo to appreciate.  The lesson is to remember to look backwards from time to time.  You never know what great view is back there unless you look. In this case, the Golden Gate Bridge and a golden sunset.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Palace Of Fine Arts Reflection

This unique complex is fairly close to the Golden Gate Bridge.  I’ve posted a picture from this location in the past and explained the history in the prior post.  So tonight, I’ll keep this short and just say I like the reflection and the blue in this photo.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Grace Cathedral

I hope everyone had a great week.  My week (really the last four weeks) was extremely busy.  Anyway, I don’t want to bore you with work……  Here is a picture I took of the inside of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.  MJ and I explored the city from one end to the other.  As normal, I had a long shot list (a list of destinations I wanted to photograph) that took us all over the place.  And as usual, I have the best wife in the world.  She followed me around, waited while I photographed every location from every angle and tried to hide her boredom.  What more could I ask for?

Anyway, one of the locations on my list was this wonderful church.  This is an Episcopal cathedral in the Nob Hill area of SF.  This was built in 1906 after the original Grace Cathedral was destroyed by fire following the 1906 earthquake.    

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving yesterday.  I did.  I am blessed with a great life.  It probably isn’t the life everyone would wish for or like, but it fits me perfectly.  With that said, here is a photo I took two years ago from inside an amazing church in Sacramento.  Sacramento isn’t my favorite city, but I’ve enjoyed my visits and its hard not to appreciate locations like this one.    

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Okay.... so I posted a version of this yesterday.  I liked the photo, but I wasn't in love with it.  So I went to work on it after posting it to see if I could pull some magic out of it.  I don't know if I achieved "magical status", but I like this version better.  What do you think?

Palace of Fine Arts

Maybe it’s because it has been a long week.  Or maybe I just can’t think of anything to say.  But as I sit here looking at the computer screen, I can’t think of anything to type for this photo…..


Anyway, I took this 7-exposure auto-bracketed HDR photo at the Palace Of Fine Arts in San Francisco last year at about this time.  I had four great days in SF with MJ.  We explored a ton of areas while we were there including Muir Woods National Monument (Redwood trees), Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, the bay, Alcatraz, China town, Financial District, Conference Center, a bunch of churches, etc, etc, etc.……  Basically we packed a lot into our limited time. 


The Palace Of Fine Arts is a very cool spot in this wonderful city.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.


Citizen Hotel

This 15-story building was Sacramento’s first skyscraper.  It was built in 1925 as the California Life Insurance building, now it is home to The Citizen Hotel.  The hotel is a first rate luxury and boutique hotel, at least that’s what the Internet claims.  It has 198 rooms, which are almost all unique in design and décor.  The Citizen is also home to Grange Restaurant & Bar, which I visited with some friends.  I would highly recommend this restaurant because the food was wonderful. 


I found the hotel’s lobby by mistake when I left the restaurant’s dinning room to find the restroom.  Once I stumbled upon the lobby, I knew I had to photograph it.  By today’s standards the lobby is very small.  You can’t tell by looking at my photo, but there isn’t much more to this setting.  But as you can tell, it is an amazing spot with lots of rich fabrics, colors, and atmosphere.   

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Bless You

Here is a 7 auto-bracket exposure HDR image I took in Sacramento California at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament.  This is an amazing structure, which is part of the Roman Catholic Church.  It is the mother church of the diocese covering the entire northern California region. 

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.


What to post?  What to post?  On some nights, I have a very clear idea what I want to share with you.  Other days, I struggle just to pick something I think is worthy of sharing with you.  Tonight was one of the tough nights.  So I scanned through some of my pictures and found this photo from Muir Woods outside San Francisco.  The Redwood trees are amazing.  You can see my last post of these great trees here:

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click here.