Mid-life Crisis

First the photo…. I took this at the @seafireresort in Grand Cayman at the beginning of December.  This exterior path ran along the building to the restaurant at the end.  But enough about that….

Second…the Mid-life Crisis….  At least that’s what I’m calling it.  Watch the video below for more details.

To view a larger version, click HERE

BTW_7175 wm.JPG

Carrie Furnace

Below are two photos from my trip to the Carrie Furnace in the Pittsburgh area.  To learn more about this location, click here:  http://brook-ward.com/blog/2016/10/28/carrie-furnace-stack

Here is my photo.

My photo of the Carrie Furnace

My photo of the Carrie Furnace

Here is a photo my son (Blair Ward) took of my camera when I was taking the photo above.

My son (Blair Ward) took this photo of my camera setup for the photo above.

My son (Blair Ward) took this photo of my camera setup for the photo above.