Chernobyl Bumper Car

I’m not sure why I didn’t share this photo in the past.  Regardless, here it is!!  I captured this in Pripyat, Ukraine a few miles from Chernobyl nuclear reactor number 4.  The entire region is abandoned and will be for decades to come.  There was a carnival setup for a village celebration, which of course never happened, with the nuclear reactor meltdown.  The carnival rides are some of the most popular tourist attractions within the Exclusion Zone.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Chernobyl Bumper Cars

In the city of Pripyat (just outside the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant), we explored parts of the city center during our visit.  They were getting ready for a city festival that was scheduled to take place and then the nuclear accident happened.  As you can imagine, the city got evacuated and the festival never took place.  Over thirty years later the carnival rides are still there abandoned like everything else.  Ferris wheel, bumper cars, and other rides just rusting away….

 To view a larger version, click HERE

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I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.  I still haven’t recovered from the last few weeks.  I need a week of bed rest.  But that will have to wait. 

Last weekend while I was in northern Michigan, I flew my drone between scuba dives out on Lake Huron. It was a good way to waste time while conducting our mandatory surface intervals. 

Today’s post is a picture from a local car dealership at night.  I like the patterns, colors and perspective.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

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