English Classroom

This is one of the 29 different Nationality Rooms in the University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning.  These rooms depict and were donated by the ethnic groups that helped build the city of Pittsburgh.  The building is a national historic landmark and the Nationality Rooms are just a few of the many reasons why this facility is amazing.

The English Classroom was done in a Tudor-Gothic style after the House of Commons.  The room includes a few original relics donated by the British Government rescued from the House of Commons following the World Ward II bombings and is the largest of the Nationality Rooms.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.

1942 Chevrolet Class 125 Airfield Crash Truck

This was built for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to be used at Robins Field (now Robins Air Force Base) to fight aircraft crash fires and to help rescue victims.   While I was visiting my friend Tony and his family in Georgia, we went to Robins Air Force Base Aircraft Museum.  Tony is a firefighter (and I used to do the same job in my former life) at the base, so we were drawn to this antique fire truck.  I am posting this picture tonight for Tony.  Hope he likes it.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above. 

Abandoned St. Peter & St. Paul School in East Liberty

Today, Brad, Dave and I went on a photo walk around the Lawrenceville and East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  We were basically on a mission to photograph anything interesting.  We all took the same basic photo of this classroom in the abandoned St. Peter and St. Paul School (same location, angle, POV, etc…) and I am looking forward to seeing how we all process the image.  Here is my version.  Hopefully, they’ll post their version soon.

You can see Brad’s work here: http://www.somethinghdr.com/

You can see Dave’s work here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36007640@N07/

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​To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.