Bonaire Flamingo

Blair and I explored this partially built, abandoned hotel the last time we were in the country of Bonaire together.  Since then, I think someone has started to redevelop this site. 

Either way, I loved the graffiti flamingo painted on this patio column.

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Colorful Chairs

When I pulled this photo up tonight before posting it, MJ said…”you don’t have colorful Easter eggs for them, but you have colorful chairs in that photo”.  So I’m going with it!! 


I took this photo on the east side of Bonaire at a Kite Surfing spot.  The colors and textures caught my eye as we explored the area.  Just looking at this photo, makes we want to go back.  What an amazing country!!  Everything about it is just beautiful.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Bonaire Summer Nights

What a great country!!!  I want to go back right now.  Can I pretty please???  Okay, I know I have adult things to do, so I’ll stop complaining now. 

 I took this photo a little after sunset on the beach in front of our resort.  They started a fire on the beach a few minutes after I took this photos and people sat around it on those bean bag chairs you see in the lower right portion. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Red #3

I took this photo of the green on Red #3 a few weeks ago before it was taken out.  The Valley Brook Country Club is removing it to add more parking.  They requested a few photos of this spot and a couple of holes before they are gone.  Beautiful spot, don’t you think?

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

My Current Project

My Current Project

One of the local country clubs has used me over the last few years for capturing photos of their amazing course.  They called me again recently to have me photograph a few of their greens before they take them off line as they remodel their course.  Here is a seek peek at one photo from this assignment.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

Valley Brook Country Club

Here is another photo from my photo shoot at the beautiful Valley Brook Country Club.  I was honored to be approached by them to photograph their new green, which they’ll open next year.  I thought this photo did a good job of capturing this amazing spot.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Red Hole #3

Tonight I got the opportunity to photography the brand new Red Hole #3 at Valley Brook Country Club.  It’s so new that it won’t even be open until spring of 2017.  As you can see, it is a beautiful setting.  What a great opportunity, wonderful location and beautiful photo!! 

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Editor's Choice - Country Road

Last week was a good week for me as a photographer.  As you saw on my previous post, I had a picture selected as the Top Five on Facebook for the week.  I also had another photo selected as the Editor’s Choice on the website  Happy for me.....Lame I know...

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Tonight’s photo is of a winter country road in southwestern Pennsylvania.  Plain, simple, and just a nice location.  This was taken as 5 exposure auto-bracketed set, merged in Photomatix Pro and edited in Photoshop CS6.

To purchase a print or see my full picture gallery, please click the picture above.

To purchase a print or see my full picture gallery, please click the picture above.