Washington County Courthouse

Last weekend I went into Washington Pennsylvania to fly the drone.  I like to think I’m a good drone pilot.  The truth is that I’m probably average, but I can dream.  I’m also an average to poor video editor as well….  Regardless of those two poorly performed skills on my part, I thought this turned out pretty good.

GW In The Sky

I got out last night attempting to capture the sunset with my drone in downtown Washington PA.  After the sun dropped below the horizon, I captured this great image of the George Washington statute on top of the Washington County Courthouse.  Love that sky!!


To view a larger version, click HERE

2020-08-23 at 5.25.04 PM.png

GW Statue

Blair and I got out yesterday for some adventure.  I’ve been wanting to get this photo for a long time.  Based on where this sits on top of the dome above the Washington County Court House.  My new toy, helped me capture it. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

Allegheny County Courthouse Upshot

I took this shot a few weeks ago, while on a photo walk with Brad and Dave Truxell.  We started out around the courthouse and covered that area of downtown Pittsburgh. 

Anyway, we spent some time inside the courthouse courtyard, which is where I took this photo.  I have to give my friend Jay Cassidy credit for this perspective.  He took a photo with a perspective similar to this a while back and I loved it.  So I took my own version. 

Have a great night.

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Washington County Courthouse

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  A while back, Dave Truxell and I spent a little time exploring this facility.  For a fairly rural county, Washington County in Pennsylvania has a wonderful courthouse.  It isn’t as big as some state capital buildings, but it could compete with them on architectural details and style. 

This photo is of the upper level and dome.  I had a great time photographing this building and I truly appreciate the foresight the county planners had when they selected this design and built it back in 1900.

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Court House Doors

A local company called me with a request to photograph the doors of the local court house for one of their publications.  I was more then willing to help them, but I didn’t think the doors would be very interesting.  Well, once I got the photo done, I’d have to say I really like it.  What do you think?

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.

Look Up

Tonight I have a ceiling for you.  This is the dome ceiling from within the Washington County Court House building.  The interior of this facility was renovated in the last year.  The building was actually the 4th courthouse for the county and was built in 1900.  I hope you like it.

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George Washington - Free Gifts (iPhone Wallpaper Pictures)

Tonight I have a FIVE FREE (yes I said 5 Free) gifts for everyone.  I formatted five of my recent photos to be used as wallpaper for Apple iPhones.  All you have to do is download them and put them on your phone.  Click HERE to get the wallpaper pictures.  They may work with other cell phone models, but I can’t guarantee that.  If you try them with a different cell phone model, let me know if they work or not.

NOTE:  In the near future, I will also post versions that work as wallpaper for your Apple iPad.  These will be free to you as well.  Please look for these soon.

George Washington:

I have a patriotic HDR photo for you in today’s post.  This is a picture of the George Washington statue on top of the Washington County Pennsylvania Court House.  This structure was built in 1900 and they just completed a two-year restoration of the interior.  The building is still an active (and only) courthouse for Washington County. 

This was a 7-exposure bracket merged into one HDR photo.    

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​To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.