This is how it should look

I’m still sickened by the actions of a few thousand individuals in our nation’s capital this week.  Not only did they harm individuals, but they harmed “the people’s house”.  This is how it should look when people behave.

 By the way, I took this photo in 2019.

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National Cathedral Basement

I’ve been absent from my website and social media the last 10 days.  It just didn’t make sense to post my silly photos with everything significant going on in the world.  We’re far from any real new or better “normal”, but I’m going to try to get back into my routine of posting photos. 


So tonight, I’m sharing a photo from one of the many Naves (this one in the basement) in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

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Capital (Night-Rear)

Tonight’s photo is the opposite of my last post.  That was a daytime photo taken from the front of the U.S. Capital Building.  This is a night photo taken from the opposite side.

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National Museum of African American History and Culture

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think Washington DC is a beautiful city filled with history, culture and patriotic symbols.  I always enjoy walking around the monuments and buildings by myself at night.  During my last trip, I spent some time capturing a ton of images around this beautiful architectural marvel.


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Memorial Amphitheater

This cool little spot…well it isn’t really a small place, is within Arlington National Cemetery near The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  I had no idea it existed until we found it by mistake.  I assume they use if for performances, if not what a shame.  They (we the people of the United States) clearly spent a ton of money building this great theater.


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Washington Monument

I couldn’t think of a clever name for this blog post.  Frankly, I’ve never been good at that.  I see other photographers posting extremely clever names for their photos and blog posts.  That’s just not me.  I guess I’m just not that funny.   How would you label this post?


Regardless of the title, I really like this photo of the National Mall in Washington D.C.  I got extremely lucky to find this spot without dozens of tourists standing in my photo.   


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National Museum of African American History

This is a fairly new Smithsonian museum.  I haven’t had a chance to experience the inside, but during my last visit to Washington DC, I photographed the outside.  I must admit, it’s a pretty cool looking structure.  The sunset reflected nicely off this wide marble wall they have around the perimeter. 


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Fine Arts Museum

Here is another photo from our time at the Smithsonian museums.  This is from inside the Fine Arts Museum lobby.  I loved all the marble, circles, and other architectural features.   The people also provide some scale to show you how large this place is in real life.

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I’ve been to Washington DC a number of times, maybe more than 20 times over the course of fifteen years.  During all those visits, I’ve never had the chance to visit any of the Smithsonian museums until our trip last August.  MJ and I went to visit a couple of friends and she took me to the museums (she’s been before without me).  I liked them all.  I took this photo inside the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.  If you’ve never visited these museums, put them on your “To Do” list. 

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Currently Trump Land

I took this photo in August while MJ and I were in Washington DC visiting friends.  We stayed at a hotel a few blocks from the White House and I went over at sunset to capture some images.  I had a hard time capturing any without the protesters who were in front.  So I had to get creative with my composition.

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Pennsylvania Avenue

Good evening, good afternoon or good morning depending on where you’re at right now.   Today’s post is from Washington D.C. with the White House at my back as I watched the sunset down Pennsylvania Avenue.  I took this photo in early August during our visit to see Nick and Erica.  I hope you have a great sunset in your area today. 

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Capital Building

MJ and I were in Washington D.C. this weekend vising a couple of our friends (Nick and Erica).  We had a great time and enjoyed our time with them.  I didn’t take many photos while I was there, but I went out around sunset to capture some photos of the White House at that time of day.  I haven’t processed any of those pics yet, but here is a photo of the Capital Building from two visits ago.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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US Capital Building

I had a couple of visits to Washington D.C. last year.  Surprisingly, I’ve been to D.C. probably over two dozen times in my life.  If you would have asked me about that earlier in my life, I wouldn’t have guessed it would become a frequent travel spot for me.  It just never appealed to me to visit D.C., but here we are years later and its become my most visited location. 

I took this photo during one of my trips last year at sunset.  The D.C. Police didn’t like my camera and tripod.  They made me back up a few times to get me further and further away from the building.  I must look scary or something.  During this specific trip, I worked on capturing close ups vs. the normal wide angle perspectives of the capital.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.  PLUS….don’t forget you can get a free gift and 10% off great Think Tank camera gear by using this link:

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Navy Yard

Today’s photo is from the Navy Yard area of Washington DC.  I took this last August, while MJ and I were there for some work meetings.  We met our friend Nick for dinner at this nice restaurant called Due South.  You can’t really see it in this photo, it’s behind the trees in the background of the pic.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

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Navy Yards

We just got back from a wonderful trip to Washington DC.  I’ve been to D.C. probably 30 plus times in the past, but I’ve never had a chance to see any of the museums.  So, we set some time aside to visit some of the Smithsonian museums.  We got to the Natural History, Gallery of Arts and the Air/Space museums.  I have to say, they are an amazing resource for our country….and they’re free!  We also went to the Arlington National Cemetery, U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial, Washington National Cathedral, JFK memorial, Vietnam memorial, etc…….  Just fun….oh and the weather was hot!!!

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

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Capital Reflecting Pool

When I was in Washington DC, I tried to capture photos from unusual perspectives in order to get something different vs. the millions of photos taken the exact same way.  What do you think?

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

Capital Reflecting Pool

I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.  I’m sharing this photo I recently took of the Capital Building in Washington DC.  I’m struggling with what else to say on the blog, so I’ll just stop here.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.