During both of our trips to Bonaire, we visited the Donkey Sanctuary. Great experiences!! This cute guy tried to camouflage himself in the brush.
Caribbean Donkey
This post tonight is for MJ. She just loved this donkey sanctuary in Bonaire so much…. She wanted to go prior to our trip and thoroughly enjoyed it. She had the largest smile on her face the entire time. So this is for her as a reminder of that fun time and that wonderful place.
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I hope you have a great weekend. Today’s post is from Bonaire. They have this really cool Donkey Sanctuary on the island. For a small fee, you can drive your vehicle through the property. The donkey’s come up to the vehicle by the hundreds. If I remember correctly, there are over 700 of them in the compound and it seemed like every single one of them came to see us. This little guy just loved us.
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