City With A View

Its been a while since I posted a NYC photo and its been a while since my last visit to the Big Apple.  Maybe I’ll try to fit a visit in next year.  I know I can’t fit it into my 2018 travel schedule.  At this point, 2018 is full and 2019 is starting to fill up as well.  We’ll see what I can do.  By the way, I think this view from Brooklyn is amazing. 

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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I’ve visited this cathedral a few times in the past.  And I’ve posted a number of photos from this location on my blog over the years.  Here is another pic from the East Liberty Presbyterian church in the Pittsburgh area.  Pretty spot right??

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

Pittsburgh View

Today’s post is from the East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  The larger tower in the background is the amazing East Liberty Presbyterian Church.  In the foreground are the new Fairfield Apartments.  I liked the new/old contrast of the photo.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

East Liberty Presbyterian Cathedral

I’ve posted photos from this location in the past.  This church is a great architectural accomplishment and I’ve enjoyed visiting it a number of times.  This perspective is slightly different from the typical view.  How do you like it?

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

NYC Bridge Structure

Our last trip to NYC was such a great time.  We had great weather and hit so many wonderful spots.  This photo is the underside of the Manhattan Bridge.  If you look closely, you’ll see a lady riding her bike between the bridge pillars.  It gives you a perspective of the size of this structure.  Have a great night.

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Manhattan Bridge

Manhattan Bridge

NYC Art House

The last couple of times we’ve been in NYC, this Art House has been setup on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge.  You can see the bridge, the East River and Manhattan in the background.   I love this area of NYC at night.  The view of the city is wonderful.  I think it would be hard to find a better cityscape view anywhere else. 

To see a larger version, click here:

NYC Art House

NYC Art House

Cathedral Of Hope

Here is another photo from inside the East Liberty Presbyterian Church.  The cathedral’s construction was completed in 1935 and was designed by Ralph Adams Cram, who was out of Boston.  He referred to this cathedral as his masterpiece.  Weekly planning meeting took place over four years at the Duquesne Club to prepare for this design and the construction.  The committee’s time and effort paid off with this wonderful facility. 

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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

Last weekend, I got a chance to photograph the inside of this wonderful church with a few other photogs.  This great facility is an architectural wonder.  If you’re in East Liberty, it is worth a visit regardless of your religious beliefs.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Manhattan Skyline

Here is a photo I took of the Manhattan skyline and the East River.  I was standing in the Brooklyn Bridge Park at around midnight at the time.  This was a 7-exposure auto-bracketed (+4, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, -4) setup that I converted into this HDR image.  I hope you enjoy it.

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Colorful Ruins

Here is another photo from inside the abandoned St. Peter and St. Paul Church.  I’ve included a black and white version of this photo as well.  I liked both versions.

Note:  please remember that I am still in the middle of a busy period.  In a little over a week, I’ll have more time to create longer blog posts.  Sorry.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Black and White

Black and White

Schools Out…..Forever!!!

I went on a nice photo walk yesterday with Jay Cassidy, Dave and Brad Truxell.  We went to an abandoned church (St. Peter's & St. Paul's Church) and school (Larimer Elementary) in the East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  Here is a photo of the school hallway.  More pictures from these two sites in the future.

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Abandoned Stairs

I took this picture last summer inside an abandoned school on the east side of Pittsburgh.  I decided to post this for you tonight, because I love all the texture in this photo.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Special Note Tonight:

The Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs featured my Washington Monument photo on their website.  You can see it here along with the other artist they selected.  I appreciate the Carnegie Council for Ethics for selecting my photo.

Brooklyn Bridge

What to post tonight?  What to post?  There are nights when I don’t have a great idea about what photo to post for your viewing.  During those times, I’ll ask MJ for her opinion.  Generally, she looks at me like I’m nuts….which is true.  I’ve been working through the Iceland trip trying to process all those photos.  Because of that, I’ve been posting a lot of Iceland pictures lately.  And I am sure I’ll post more as I continue through that project.  I just keep finding one great picture after another. 


But tonight I wanted to break that trend and post something different.  So I have this photo from Brooklyn looking across the East River at the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan. 


From the places I’ve traveled to over the last year, what would you like to see next???  Let me know by leaving a comment below.      

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Where In The World Are We Now???

First, I’ll start again by saying I am sorry for not posting on my regular every other day pattern.  Our endless summer of travel has messed me up.  We’ve been to Iceland, Chicago, Charlotte, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Denver, Philly, and now this place.  Can you tell where I took this? 

Okay, I’ll give….  This is the Manhattan skyline taken from the Brooklyn Bridge Park.  On our first night here, MJ went to bed and I went to Brooklyn in the middle of the night to take this picture.  Like everywhere else in New York, the park was full of people even at that time of night.  As the say, “The city that never sleeps”. 

So our travel plans continue with two upcoming trips to Michigan (family and ship wreck scuba diving), San Francisco, and a little later this year we are going to Mexico…. 

btw....we went to heaven today (also called B&H Photography) and I was wowed with how big and awesome this camera store is.   Great spot and worth a visit. 

 Thanks for reading and have a good night.

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Stairs To No Where!!!

I really had no idea what to share with you tonight.  So I’m keeping it simple.  This is a picture from within an abandoned school in East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  I just liked the railing and thought you might like it as well.  Let me know what you think.

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​To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the picture above.

Old School Gym

Here is another picture from the abandoned school in East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  Interestingly, this gym was on the 4th floor of the school.  Back in the day, I bet this was an amazing room for the school kids.  Now it is homeless heaven.  There was evidence throughout the building of homeless using the building.

Photo Technique:

I created this photo with a 7-exposure auto-bracket set.  I merged the images together with Photomatix Pro and edited it in Photoshop CS6.  

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​To purchase this photo or view the entire photo gallery, please click the photo above.

The picture below is of Brad and Dave from earlier in the day prior to us going to the abandoned school

​Brad & Dave Truxell

​Brad & Dave Truxell

Abandoned St. Peter & St. Paul School in East Liberty

Today, Brad, Dave and I went on a photo walk around the Lawrenceville and East Liberty area of Pittsburgh.  We were basically on a mission to photograph anything interesting.  We all took the same basic photo of this classroom in the abandoned St. Peter and St. Paul School (same location, angle, POV, etc…) and I am looking forward to seeing how we all process the image.  Here is my version.  Hopefully, they’ll post their version soon.

You can see Brad’s work here:

You can see Dave’s work here:

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​To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.