Pennsylvania Holiday Art On Display - Santa Graffiti

Where & Why:

 MJ and I have been in Pennsylvania for over two years now and I drive by an abandoned industrial property from time to time near our home.  I am told it is an old box factory that was operated by a glass company.  Back in the day, along with steel companies there were a large number of glass companies that operated around Washington PA making many different products.  Today both the glass and steel companies are gone.  Most of the old properties have been renovated for other uses or were destroyed to build something else.  But this one large complex remains and I’ve talked about photographing on numerous occasions. 

Well a few weeks ago, MJ and I went on a scouting mission to take a look at the property.  While there we found lots of graffiti, but one individual’s work caught our eye and I went back to capture it for you.  When we returned to photograph the graffiti, we scared off a few guys who appeared to be salvaging metal for recycling.  When we pulled in, they left the site fairly quickly and gave us a good look over.

I hope this photo brings joy to your holiday season regardless to how and what you celebrate. 

Photo Specs:

 This photo was taken with a Nikon D800, 14-24mm f2.8 lens, aperture mode, with bracketing (+1, 0, -1) and a tripod.  I processed the bracketed images using Photomatrix Pro and edited in Photoshop CS6

Happy Holidays.

Santa, Reindeer, & Snowman Graffiti on abandoned factory building

Santa, Reindeer, & Snowman Graffiti on abandoned factory building