Funky Tunnel

I didn’t know what to call this photo.  I like it of course.  It’s a little artsy, a little different and maybe a little weird.  How would you describe it?

I took this inside the Carrie Furnace during our photo walk there with a group of friends.  Click HERE to read more information on this site from one of my prior post.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.

Carrie Furnace

Carrie Furnace

Seattle's Funky Library

Here is another shot of the Seattle Central Library.  I posted another photo of this building back in March.  You can see it here:

This building is so weird.  I don’t even know how to describe it.  When I looked it up later, the architect couldn’t even put a specific design style on this structure.  Maybe modern contemporary is the best way to describe it.  There are lots of funky angles, bright colors, unusual spaces.  Around every corner, the building design changes to the point that they don’t even go together.  So I felt like I was in a different building when I changed areas within the building, instead of one continuous building.  So my take on this building is that it fits the Seattle culture. 

I took this photo from the 4th floor balcony looking out at the building support structure and the diamond shaped glass exterior wall.  Like I said, funky!!!

If you ever get to Seattle, check this place out.  

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Funky Statue

I have no idea what this funky statue on the north shore of Pittsburgh is supposed to be or represent, but it caught my eye.  So you get the benefit of seeing it here tonight.

Side Note:

  Sorry I missed posting a picture last night.  We traveled to Indianapolis yesterday afternoon/evening.  We got here late, checked into our hotel and grabbed a late dinner.  Then I went right to bed, because this morning I got up early and ran the One America Indianapolis 500 Mini Marathon (13.1 mile half marathon) with a friend who is from the greater Chicago area.  We’ve run this race a number of years in a row together.  His son Adam also came in from California to run with us. 

This half marathon is the largest half marathon in the country with over 30,000 participates.  We survived, finished, didn’t get hurt, and finished with fairly good times.  We’ve done better in past years. 

I hope you had a great Saturday.

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