Capital (Night-Rear)

Tonight’s photo is the opposite of my last post.  That was a daytime photo taken from the front of the U.S. Capital Building.  This is a night photo taken from the opposite side.

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Capital (Day-Front)

I think this is considered the front of the U.S. Capital building.  I guess it could be the back…I don’t know.  Regardless, I took this photo about two years ago while MJ and I were visiting a friend.  Tomorrow I’ll post a “Capital (Night-Rear)” photo of the same location.  I think you’ll find it interesting to compare and contrast the photos…day vs night and front vs rear.

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I’ve been to Washington DC a number of times, maybe more than 20 times over the course of fifteen years.  During all those visits, I’ve never had the chance to visit any of the Smithsonian museums until our trip last August.  MJ and I went to visit a couple of friends and she took me to the museums (she’s been before without me).  I liked them all.  I took this photo inside the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.  If you’ve never visited these museums, put them on your “To Do” list. 

 To view a larger version, click HERE

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Currently Trump Land

I took this photo in August while MJ and I were in Washington DC visiting friends.  We stayed at a hotel a few blocks from the White House and I went over at sunset to capture some images.  I had a hard time capturing any without the protesters who were in front.  So I had to get creative with my composition.

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Texas State Capital

I took this 5-exposure HDR image last year on my way through Austin Texas.  I got to the campus before sunrise to capture the facility in the early morning light.  To my surprise, I was about the 12th photographer to arrive.   Plus there were hundreds of joggers at that time of day…..

About the Capital Building….  It was completed in 1888 and is located in downtown Austin.  It holds the offices/chambers of the Texas Legislature and the Governor’s office.  It was built from 1882 to 1888 and is the fourth building to hold the title of Texas State Capital.  In 1993, they completed a $75 million underground extension, which you can see in the foreground of the photo.

Washington County Courthouse

I hope everyone had a great Christmas.  A while back, Dave Truxell and I spent a little time exploring this facility.  For a fairly rural county, Washington County in Pennsylvania has a wonderful courthouse.  It isn’t as big as some state capital buildings, but it could compete with them on architectural details and style. 

This photo is of the upper level and dome.  I had a great time photographing this building and I truly appreciate the foresight the county planners had when they selected this design and built it back in 1900.

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Barbados' Parliament Building

These buildings were originally known as The Public Buildings and have been the home of Barbados’ Parliament since they were finished in 1874.  They are created in the theneo-Gothic architectural style that is similar to the Victorian era of Great Britain, which makes sense based on their historical tie to England.  The site is in the downtown area of Bridgetown and is designated as UNESCO protected properties.

This was about a 15-minute drive from our hotel because of lights and traffic, but only a 25-minute walk.  MJ and I had lunch at a nice little restaurant downtown (Tim’s) with the locals, it wasn’t a tourist place, and then explored the downtown area.  It was during this time, that I captured the 10 exposures needed to create this panorama of The Parliament Building.

City Hall

This is a seven image auto-bracketed HDR image of the doors at City Hall near my home.  I got a request to take a picture of this building, which I completed.  The building itself is fairly plain, but there was something about these doors that drew me in for a closer look.  I hope you like them.

By the way, tomorrow I will be photographing the Steelers vs. Ravens at Heinz Field.  Like normal my goals will be in this order:

Don’t get run over by a player

Have Fun

Get some great photos.

I’ll share some photos from the game on Monday or Tuesday.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the photo above.