WMU Bronco

This weekend, MJ and I traveled back to Kzoo (Kalamazoo) to visit some friends we haven’t seen since we moved to Pittsburgh back in 2010.  This trip was long over due.  We had a great time and got to see some great friends, but I’ll say that I am exhausted.  Oh, and driving across the State of Ohio is at the top of my “10 Least Favorite Things” list.  It’s just such a boring looking State.  It doesn’t seem to matter where you go in Ohio; it is just plain boring.  How’d I get on that subject, anyway…..

While we were in Kzoo, I drove around the city and WMU (Western Michigan University) to see many of our old stomping grounds. 

While on the university campus, I took this picture of the WMU Bronco in front of their student rec center and basketball stadium.  When we lived there, I probably walked past this monument dozens of times on the way to watch NCAA WMU men’s basketball games.  Go Broncos!!

Special note: MJ and I want to thank everyone who took time out of their schedules this weekend to visit with us while we were in Kzoo.  Thanks.