This room was part of the locked down unit (highest security unit…criminally insane) at the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia. I don’t want to know what happened in this space by the patients and to the patients….
Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
I hope you have a great weekend. I don’t have any solid plans other then to relax, do some work around the house and spend time with family.
I took this photo last spring when Bob, Theatherwiz, Blair and I spent a weekend capturing photos of abandoned buildings including the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virigina.
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Lunatic Asylum
I couldn’t come up with a clever title for this post for a number of reasons, which we won’t get into tonight.
Anyway, I took this photo recently at the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston West Virginia. Unfortunately, they have the place all cleaned up. It wasn’t grungy enough for me. I wanted it in the state it was in when the Lunatic Asylum closed. They’ve got it all “safe”, clean and “pretty”. I think the real beauty would have been in the “dirty, stuff left behind” condition. If that makes sense…..
I made the best of it and captured some cool photos. This was on one of the upper floors. Something about this hallway caught my eye. Standing there, I could imagine all the patients (prisoners) being locked up in these little rooms. Some of the “treatments” and “therapies” they used over the decades was rough to put it mildly. When this facility was operational, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
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I’ve been off social media for a few days. I just needed a break. I’m back now.
While I was away, I spent the entire weekend out taking photos, which felt great. One of the locations I photographed was the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, West Virginia. We had full access to all the buildings for the entire morning, some portions of them going back to the Civil War. One of the buildings on the large campus was a medical facility. I can only guess what took place within that facility. In the lowest level, I came across the morgue. It still has a two-shelf human body cooler for storing bodies and a coffin on the floor. MJ referred to this photo as creepy. I didn’t feel that way, but I’m weird.
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