SF Fog

I hope you have a great weekend.  We don’t plan to do much, which is going to be a good thing. 


Tonight’s photo is from my last trip to San Francisco.  I know they get fog all the time, but I felt lucky to experience it while I was there.  As you can see, it was just starting to roll into the bay from the Pacific Ocean.


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Seattle Sunset

This photo is fairly old…maybe four or five years old.  I don’t remember what year I traveled to Seattle.  I could look it up, but I’m lazy as well.  This photo has been processed and sitting on my hard drive waiting for it’s turn to see the world.   I just forgot about it until this morning.  I sat at this spot for about 4 hours taking pictures from early evening, through sunset and afterward into the blue hour.  As you can see, it was a beautiful evening. 


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Double Golden

I don’t often have bad trips…maybe never.  But I don’t want every trip I take to sound like it was off the charts amazing.  I’m naturally optimistic and positive, which has an impact on my general outlook about my experiences.  All that said, I had a great time in San Francisco earlier this month.  On my 2nd evening, I took an Uber to the Golden Gate Bridge.  From there, I took a ton of photos around this historic landmark.  After capturing all the photographs I wanted at that spot, I started walking back toward the downtown area taking photos along the entire way.  Today’s photo is from that walk.  I was probably a mile east of the bridge heading towards the Palace of Fine Arts.  I wasn’t really thinking about it or planning it, but for some reason I looked backwards (back towards the area I had left) and saw this amazing view.  Thus, you get this great photo to appreciate.  The lesson is to remember to look backwards from time to time.  You never know what great view is back there unless you look. In this case, the Golden Gate Bridge and a golden sunset.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Sunrise Splendor

We had our annual spring cruise recently.  This year we traveled on the Carnival Splendor out of Long Beach California.  Typical of my travel plans, I got up early to capture the sunrise, which I don’t like to do when I’m at home.  But I’ve done this dozens of times on past Carnival cruises and on non-cruise trips, so I was attempting to capture something unique…something I haven’t captured in the past.  So I went towards the front the ship on the deck above the Bridge and captured this photo looking towards the stern of the ship. 

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.  PLUS….don’t forget you can get a free gift and 10% off great Think Tank camera gear by using this link: http://bit.ly/2FVW0eg

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Seattle's Space Needle

Can you think of a more iconic item for Seattle?  I can’t.  So tonight’s post is of the Space Needle.  I took this in late 2014 while on a work trip to Seattle.  It was a great trip both professionally and personally.  By the way, can you tell that I’ve been processing photos from this Seattle trip?  It probably wasn’t to hard to figure out since I’ve posted a few photos recently the Emerald City.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Seattle At Night

I took this photo a few years ago, but just processed it tonight.  Sometimes it takes me a long time to get my photos processed.  When it takes between 20 minutes to an hour to process one photo, you can see why it takes me a while. 

Anyway, I scouted this location in advance and it didn’t let me down.  I left the airport, got my rental car and drove right to this spot.  It was worth it.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.