Looking Back

I learned long ago that regardless of what I’m aiming my camera at, I always need to look behind me.  Sometimes the best shot is the opposite direction in spite of my pro-shoot plans.  This perspective is looking back towards the rear of the First Presbyterian Church.  I posted a photo of the front of this church back on November 29th.

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Presby Again

Keeping with the season, here is another holiday photo from within First Presbyterian Church in downtown Pittsburgh.  It’s a great facility and they do a nice job decorating it for the Christmas season.  I took this one from the balcony.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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First Presbyterian

Here is a holiday photo from years ago.  This was taken many years ago now….  Brad, David and I got access to this church at something like 7am in the morning on a weekday before work.  They had the church open for homeless to come in to get out of the winter weather.    Good times.

Anyway, I reprocessed it using today’s technology and software.  It’s amazing how much better it looks. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

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East Liberty Presbyterian Cathedral

I’ve posted photos from this location in the past.  This church is a great architectural accomplishment and I’ve enjoyed visiting it a number of times.  This perspective is slightly different from the typical view.  How do you like it?

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I recently updated them.