Old Soviet Facilities in Ukraine

Here are a few more photos from my Ukraine trip (pre-war).  All of these were taken near the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor and within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. 

I hope the Ukraine military and people can keep on giving the Russian military a good fight and that they stay safe.

Abandoned Pripyat Apartment building with the Soviet logo on top

Abandoned buildings in Pripyat

DUGA - abandoned Russia military radar station to detect NATO Nuclear missile launches

Soviet Propaganda

Soviet Propaganda

I took this photo these Soviet Statues under the People’s Friendship Arch in Kiev back in 2018.  The Arch, you can see a portion of it on the right side, and these Hero’s Statues were constructed in 1982.  They are supposed to depict friendship between Russian and Ukrainian peoples (soldiers - left statue and workers - right statue).

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian government announced plans to dismantle the arch as part of their 2016 decommunization laws. 

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Soviet Propaganda

I found these old Soviet propaganda signs at the back of the Pripyat Cultural Center.  Pripyat had over 49,000 people before it was abandoned after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.  The Cultural Center building was a great explore. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

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