Seafire From The Air

I’m not a very good video editor, sorry about that.  Regardless, here is a collection of drone footage I captured during our last stay at this great resort (March 2020).  We stayed there right before the pandemic hit the United States.  It was our last trip before the world fell into crazy land.  Thankfully things are moving in the right direction, let’s hope we can all get back to something close to normal by the end of 2021.  Until then, enjoy the video.

41st Street Lifeguard Shack

Miami has very cool lifeguard stations along Miami Beach. I don’t know how many variations they have, but they are all a wonderful Art Deco style. This is the one at 41st Street during sunrise.

If someone watched me while I photographed this spot, I”m sure they wondered what was wrong with me. I didn’t have time during the sunrise to photograph multiple lifeguard shacks, they are too far apart. So, I probably took 500 photos of this one from different perspective, different light (before, during and after the sunrise), different cameras, etc.. I’m sure they thought I lost my mind….. Maybe I did, but I think the final product was worth it. Oh…and the homeless people sleeping under the lifeguard shack probably wondered about me as well.

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I miss traveling to wonderful spots around the world…..  How about you?  Let’s hope we can start to get out and about in late 2021.  In the meantime, I keep using past photos as reminder of good times.

I took this drone photo on Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman back in early 2020, right before the world got shut down.  By the way, this specific resort is the Kimpton Seafire Resort and Spa.

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South Haven Light

I know….another Michigan photo.  This one is from South Haven Michigan.  MJ was amazing and sat out in the cold for over an hour waiting for me to capture sunset and post-sunset photos of this light at the end of the pier.  I got this one with the drone from a perspective not normally seen.


To view a larger version, click HERE

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I took this photo of the Kimpton Seafire Resort in Grand Cayman back in December.  I loved the color of the ocean and sky in this photo.  I took this at sunset right before we joined our group for dinner. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Majestic Sunrise

Its Friday night and I’m tired after the work week.  So this is a short post….. enjoy this majestic Mexican sunrise.  I took this photo during one of our past trips south of Cancun.  I enjoy getting up early to catch sunrise to capture these moments.  Have a great weekend.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Cancun Resport Via Drone

I must admit that I rarely watch videos online that last more then 30 seconds.  So, I don’t know how attractive this will be for you since it is well over 30 seconds long.  Regardless, here is a compilation of drone footage I took on our last trip to Cancun Mexico.  It took me months just to get around to editing the video, but here you go.

Colorful Chairs

When I pulled this photo up tonight before posting it, MJ said…”you don’t have colorful Easter eggs for them, but you have colorful chairs in that photo”.  So I’m going with it!! 


I took this photo on the east side of Bonaire at a Kite Surfing spot.  The colors and textures caught my eye as we explored the area.  Just looking at this photo, makes we want to go back.  What an amazing country!!  Everything about it is just beautiful.

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Bonaire Summer Nights

What a great country!!!  I want to go back right now.  Can I pretty please???  Okay, I know I have adult things to do, so I’ll stop complaining now. 

 I took this photo a little after sunset on the beach in front of our resort.  They started a fire on the beach a few minutes after I took this photos and people sat around it on those bean bag chairs you see in the lower right portion. 

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Need A Chair?

This is my 3rd photo in a row featuring “water” as the main element.  I didn’t plan to create this trend, but I’ll keep it going tonight. 

I took this photo four Mexico trips back (I think....).  I love these quiet mornings on the beach before 99.9% of the other guest are awake.  I usually have the entire environment to myself and I can have any chair I want!!


To view a larger version, click HERE

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Sunrise Over The Beach

What can I say about this photo that is doesn’t say by itself?  Probably nothing!!!  Let’s just sit back and enjoy it. I took this photo, along with a bunch of others, with my drone flying back and forth low along the beach.  I love the colors and feel of it.    

To view a larger version, click HERE

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