
I had a great phone call tonight with Angie, a long time friend from my hometown, about old times and photography.  I haven’t talked with her in a long time, but I’ve kept up on her photography via the Internet.  She is a great portrait photographer with a real eye for unique artistic work.  It was fun to catch up with her.

Tonight’s photo is of Skogarfoss, which is located on the southern coast of Iceland.  MJ and I spent a long time at this site and our hotel room had a direct view of the waterfall.  It is hard to describe this amazing waterfall and give any justice.  It is 82 foot across and a 200-foot drop.  The flow of water is very strong, but I can’t tell you how much flows per hour or minute.  To give you some idea of size/scale, you can see a person standing in the front-right side of the falls if you look close.  That person is probably a 100 feet away from the falls and still looks small. 

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