
The football season is done for me.  My Lions never came close to the playoffs and the Steelers got knocked out at the last second.  So I’m watching the games on TV like most of America.  Are you looking forward to the games tomorrow?  I’m ready!!  I’m probably the only person outside of Boston rooting for Brady.  I’d like to see him win Super Bowl #6……  Since I’m talking football, here is a random photo I took of Joe Hayden.  I love his facial expression and tattoo.


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Joe Haden 2017 wm.JPG


As all of you know, I don’t take many pictures of people unless they are wearing a football jersey.  But this week I had a great opportunity.  The L Modeling Agency brought their latest model over for a photo shoot.  We got the lights out, setup the studio, and snapped away.  Emily was all business and can hold her own with any professional model.  I had a great time shooting with Michelle and Larry (her parents and our friends).  This specific picture is a collaboration….my light set, Michelle took the picture, Larry and I entertained the model to get that smile, and I post processed the image.  Emily is such a cutie….

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