Garden Of The Gods

In early December, I got the chance to visit Colorado Springs.  What a nice city and location.  I was impressed!!  Right outside my hotel balcony was this amazing view of Garden Of The Gods.  I took this photo in the early morning hoping to catch the sun shining off the mountains

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.  PLUS….don’t forget you can get a free gift and 10% off great Think Tank camera gear by using this link:

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Spreading Salt

Like many areas of the country today, we got a little bit of snow (maybe 3 inches).  So I took advantage of the situation and got outside to capture some winter photos, including some drone photography…..  This is a photo of our home with Blair spreading salt on the driveway (look closely).

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

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Cuzco - Puno Border

Crossing from the Cuzco province (basically the same thing as a state) to the Puno province means passing this spot in the Andes Mountains.  This was the highest elevation we experienced in Peru at a little over 14,100 feet.  I can tell you that it was a little hard to breath.  Not terrible, but you could feel it. 

Anyway, we stopped at this spot for a few minutes to look at the roadside vendors and take in the view of this amazing mountain range.  My picture doesn’t do justice to this beautiful spot.  Sorry I can’t give you a picture to match the real world experience of standing there.  Regardless, I hope you enjoy it.

Note:  Don't forget to look at the video below to see how beautiful this site was via a different media format.

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Sorry about the wind noise on the video.

Iceland – Holar Mountain Range

This is the second panorama photo I’ve posted in a row.  No reason, just luck I guess.  Anyway, I like this photo of the mountain range on the road to Holar Iceland.  How would you like to be the person with the house at the end of this driveway?  The mountains are an amazing back yard. 

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Another McConnells Mill State Park

Sorry about missing my normal rotation.  Tonight I have another photo from McConnells Mill State Park.  I took this a few weeks ago while on a photo walk with Brad and Dave.  It hasn’t warmed up much since then, but all the snow is now gone.

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Special Note: A while back, I was contacted by Eric DeJesus who is taking classes down in Georgia.  He asked for permission to use one of my photos in his class.  He took my photo from Carnegie Music Hall and added the notes and violinist.  Here is the final product.


Hofsós Iceland

I know, I know….. another photo from Iceland.  I don’t know what to say, it’s just such an amazing location with wonderful landscapes, excellent people, wide-open geography, and lots and lots of sheep.  I took this picture when MJ and I were exploring Hofsos, which sits on Skagafjordur bay in the northern part of the country.  Hofsos is a small village of about 200 people with a natural harbor for their fishing industry.  Their main tourist attraction is The Icelandic Emigration Center, which is a museum dedicated to the westward migration to North America (mainly Minnesota) at the start of the 19th century.  We met a 10 year old boy who was working the front desk.  If you didn’t know any better, you would have guessed he was from Chicago based on his use and accent of the England language.    This little village has an amazing community pool as well, but that’s another story. 

McConnells Mill State Park

I haven’t been out taking any photos lately and I’ve missed it.  So today, Dave, Brad and I went to McConnells Mill State Park in western Pennsylvania to capture some pics.  It was cold, snowy, and very very fun.  We spend hours hiking around the park, including a mile through the snow to Hell’s Hollow Falls.  I know a mile doesn’t seem like much, but trust me when I say it wasn’t an easy walk in the snow.  So tonight I am posting a picture from the photo walk.  This is the covered bridge near the old mill near the eastern side of the park.    

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W&J (Washington & Jefferson College)

This wonderful tiny college in downtown Washington PA produces some great graduates, just not very many.  I think the college has around 1,500 total students or less.  This is the main historic building on the campus last December following a snowstorm.    

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Siglufjörður Iceland

I am still working my way through all my Iceland pictures trying to get them processed.  At this point, I am part way through the fourth day of the trip.  This has been a lazy Saturday for MJ and I.  The weather outside is terrible and the snow just keeps falling.  So I’ve been working on more Iceland pictures and processed this one today and thought I would share it with you.  I took this near Siglufjörður Iceland on the north side of the country.

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Skagafjörður Iceland

Skagafjörður is a deep bay in northern Iceland and is about 24 miles long and 9 miles wide, situated between Tröllaskagi to the east and the Skagi Peninsula to the west.  This is one of Iceland's most prosperous agricultural regions, with widespread dairy and sheep farming in addition to the horse breeding for which the district is famed.  There are three islands in the bay: Málmey, Drangey and Lundey.  The bay is located in a submerged glacial valley, which is continued southwards by a plain in which lies the delta of the Héraðsvötn river. 

These purple wild flowers must be their national flowers, because we saw these growing everywhere around the country.  After taking this photo, MJ and I stayed at a hotel in the valley area just south of here.  To see the photo of our hotel and a sunset from this valley/bay, click HERE

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above. 

Editor's Choice - Country Road

Last week was a good week for me as a photographer.  As you saw on my previous post, I had a picture selected as the Top Five on Facebook for the week.  I also had another photo selected as the Editor’s Choice on the website  Happy for me.....Lame I know...

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Tonight’s photo is of a winter country road in southwestern Pennsylvania.  Plain, simple, and just a nice location.  This was taken as 5 exposure auto-bracketed set, merged in Photomatix Pro and edited in Photoshop CS6.

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To purchase a print or see my full picture gallery, please click the picture above.

HDR One's Facebook Friday - Snow Covered Bridge

HDR One Facebook Friday Week 22:

Every week selects five HDR photos posted on Facebook that they feel are the best of the week.  They have been doing this for 22 weeks straight and I’ve made the list 2 weeks including last week.  They post their favorites every Friday night.  I am happy to have been selected and you can see the article here:

To view the article, click HERE

To view the article, click HERE

Snow Covered Bridge:

Tonight’s photo is of a covered bridge in Mingo Park within Washington County PA.  I took this about 3 weeks ago along with a few others.  I was happy with many of them and will probably share a few more in the coming weeks.  

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Wet Foot - Cold Water at Mingo Park in Washington County PA

Wet Foot

Yesterday, we finally got some sun here south of Pittsburgh.  There have been so many cloudy gray days, that it’s been depressing.  So with nothing to do and a little sun, MJ and I went to a few local spots to get some winter pictures.  This picture is of Henry Bridge in Washington County’s Mingo Park. 

I wanted to get as close to the water as possible to get some great details in the foreground.  To get this picture, I was standing in the water (this time of year, the river level is low), which I expected to be fine with my boots….  Well, I didn’t realize the right boot was ripped open allowing a free flow of water inside the boot.  I’ve had these boots for a long time, but I rarely use them.  Therefore I was a little shocked to fine my foot getting wet and cold.  After getting over this little shock, we captured some great photos.  In the end, we had some great weather for this time of year and a wet foot, which was a small price to pay for this photo.

Photo Specs:

I used my Nikon D800 with a 14-24mm 2.8 lens on a tripod.  I extended the tripod legs out to the side as far as possible to get my camera within about 12 inches of the water.  I set the camera on Aperture mode with it set at f22 to make sure I had a very large field of view.  I also set my camera up to take a 5-bracket set of exposures (+2, +1, 0, -1, -2).  After getting home, I processed the 5 exposures in Photomatix Pro to get the HDR image and did some minor editing in PS CS6 (sharpened, reduced noise, and deleted a few things like a trash can and some street signs). 

There you have it.  A fairly good winter stream photo.  Enjoy.

To see another great winter picture I posted a few weeks ago, please click


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