Pittsburgh Theater

Early in the pandemic I visited this classic Pittsburgh location.  It was a former performing arts theater.  Now its rotting away. 


Here is another view from inside Veronica’s Veil.  I loved the “vinyl 19” graffiti on the back of the chairs. I saw this composition when we first arrived and mentioned I was going to capture it before we left….. So Blair took this photo before me since I mentioned it….  He is such a copycat….

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Splendor's Theater

I haven’t posted a Carnival Cruise ship photo lately.  Therefore, I’m posting this photo I took inside the Carnival Splendor’s theater.  Sometimes these theaters are over the top, but this one is just plain classy.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Seaside Theatre

I hope you’re having a nice and warm Sunday.  It is still freezing in my area, which has me thinking about warmer times/experiences.  Today’s photo is from our European cruise on the Carnival Vista.  Per my normal routine, I got up extremely early to capture this photo without other tourists in the way.  I loved the colors in this part of the ship.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.

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It’s been a few years since I was in San Francisco.  But I’m still not done processing photos from that trip.  Sad, but true.  When you take as many photos as I do, it is easy to fall behind and I jump around a bunch when I am processing photos.  I never just process one trip all at once.  Anyway, today I had a chance to work on some processing and I decided to work on the SF trip.  As I was working on them, I finished this photo.  I honestly don’t even remember taking it, but I loved it. 

This is looking straight up at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater rotunda ceiling.  I’ve never seen this perspective photographed before, but I’m sure its been done a 1,000 times before.  I hope you like it. 


·      Great game today between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University football teams. 

·      I’ll be photographing the Steelers vs. Cardinals NFL game tomorrow.  Look for me on the sideline.  I’ll be the guy getting run over by 300-pound lineman. 

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

The Basement

As you may recall, last summer MJ and I met dear friends in Columbus to hang out for the weekend.  While walking the streets, we got special access and a private tour of the Ohio Theater.  You can see a few prior pictures here:



While on our private tour, we covered many areas that the public can’t access.  One of our stops on the tour was this room in the basement.  It was so unusual, that I had to capture it.  I don’t know how to describe it…..  What do you think?  

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Here is a behind the scenes shot from Seattle.  

Here is the final photo from this location:  http://brook-ward.com/blog/2014/12/16/seattle-skyline


Ohio Theater Panorama

Here is another photo from inside the Ohio Theater.  We got a special tour of this spot when we visited Columbus Ohio last month.  You care read more about that weekend and this building here:  http://brook-ward.com/blog/2014/8/4/ohio-theater

This special panorama photo is an HDR image made up of 20 exposures merged together to give you an entire view of the theater from side to side.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Carnival Dream Theater

I am still working on processing images from our Carnival Cruise last spring.  As I was processing some of them last night, I completed this beauty and decided to share it with you tonight.  I think it is a very unique photo.  I doubt anyone else will like it, but I did.  Have a great Monday night.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo here.

Ohio Theater

Last weekend, MJ and I spent time in Columbus Ohio visiting with some wonderful friends.  Our friends live in Chicago, we live in Pittsburgh, and so we meet in Ohio to hang out.  About three blocks from our hotel, was a very cool 100+-year-old theater called the Ohio Theater.  Saturday night we poked our head into the lobby just to take a look.  This resulted in a conversation with the facility manager, who invited us back on Sunday morning for a private tour and some photo time.

So you guessed it…..we went back on Sunday.  Chuck gave us the private tour of the facility, which included some behind the scenes access spots.  He also provided us with great history on the building and items within the theater.   As we followed Chuck, I snapped a bunch of photos. 

I’ve had the honor of photographing numerous theaters in the past; I’d have to say that this one is amazing.  It is in the top 5.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click here.

To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click here.

Carnegie Music Hall 2nd Floor Lobby

I got a great opportunity last spring to shoot the inside of Carnegie Music Hall in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh.  Following that photo shoot, I posted (prior to starting this blog) a number of pictures that you can see here:



Stage & Piano

Last night I was looking through some old shots and came across tonight’s post.  I had forgotten about it and realized how much I liked this picture.  I hope you like it as much as I do. 

This was a 3-bracket set (+1, 0, -1) taken in the corner of the hallway looking down both directions.  They had some junk in the way down one direction, so I removed it with Photoshop.  Otherwise, this is how this wonderful facility looks.

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To purchase a print, please click the picture above