Grand Central Terminal

MJ and I had a great trip to New York City.  The weather was nice, the people were polite and the attractions are always outstanding.  Like normal, we packed a ton of activities into a short stay, but it was worth it.  On the first night, I got really lucky while I was out photographing Grand Central Station. 

I was lined up in the middle of the road shooting right down Park Avenue towards the terminal trying to get a photo without too much traffic or people….. And the City of New York decided to help me out.  At that moment, they parked a construction vehicle in the middle of the road to block all traffic just for me (or to start some construction).  Anyway, that meant I had full use of the street all to myself.  I could take my time.  Shoot from different angles.  Not worry about being run over by a taxi.  It was great.  Plus I met a Russian (now a U.S. citizen) who was photographing the same area.  Great first night in the big apple.

So I got this great photo and you get to see it.

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