Miami Port Sunrise

This might not be a popular photo with most of you, but I like it a ton.  Maybe because I was there watching the sun come up in Miami from the back of a cruise boat.  There is always something special about experiencing an event vs. seeing it in a photo.  That may be a funny thing to read from a photographer, but its how I feel about the subject.  Don’t get me wrong, I always try to capture the moment, but admittedly I fail more times then I succeed.  It’s very hard to capture the feeling, emotion, and senses you experience in a photo.  This photo is a great example.  The photo can’t capture the warm breeze as it blew past our cabin balcony.  The photo can’t capture how I felt as the sun came up.   The buildings went from being in the shadows of the night, to reflecting a beautiful orange glow of the morning. 

Anyway, there are usually a ton of reasons why I like some photos that might not seem wonderful at first glance.  But they all have meaning for me and that is often why I share them with you.    

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.