Big News!!!
Washington County Chamber of Commerce is going to feature my photography in an upcoming fundraiser for the Washington Health System. The event (called “Beer, Brats and Brook”) will be held at Noble Energy in Southpointe just south of Pittsburgh. Noble Energy recently moved into their brand new world headquarters, so it will be cool to combine this event with their new beautiful location.
The event will feature 20 photos from my collections, which will all either be framed or printed on metal. The photos just arrived at my place yesterday and they look great. I can’t wait to see them displayed in Noble Energy’s large lobby. Since the event is being held in October, it will be catered with local beers, brats and hors d’oeuvres. If you’re interested in having a beer, socializing, wandering around some great art, and helping to raise money for the Washington Health System, click the link below to register for the event.
I look forward to seeing you there!!