I realize the Steelers’ season is over and this video should have been posted long ago… But I’m just catching up on my football photo and video editing. Plus, I was having some weird video driver problem on my computer which stopped me from getting it edited. Thankfully, my Geek Squad guy (Blair) spent an hour last night and fixed my PC. Big thanks to him for helping me with this. I’m sure it was the last thing he wanted to do on a Saturday night.
As you know, I’m not usually a video guy…. I almost focus entirely on still photography, but over the last year I’ve done more video with my phone and drone then I probably did in my entire life combined up to that point. The drone has been the major influence toward video.
I shot this video before the last game of the year. When the players are running out of the tunnel, Heinz Field security forces the photographers to lay down on the ground. Who knows why??? So, I was taking photos with my camera and taking this video at the same time. As you can tell, I’m not a video editing expert. Heck, I can barely do video editing at all… But I did manage to get this one done.