Szentendrei Door

While we (MJ, Kris, Scott and I) were in Hungary, we stopped by this little artist village for an afternoon.  It had a bunch of very small streets, alleys, and foot paths between buildings that are not in a logical pattern.  Most of the buildings are homes with unique entrances like this one.  I stopped to take so many photos, I lost the rest of our group.  They kept going (I was supposed to catch up) and after 5 minutes I was lost in these little streets.  I thought I knew what direction they went, but I was wrong.  So I wandered around for another 30 minutes before they found me…..  They grabbed an outdoor spot at a café and saw me walking by.  Honestly, I knew I wasn’t in trouble because we had a time and place to meet later for our trip back to Budapest, but I wasn’t sure I’d find them before that.  It all worked out and we had an amazing lunch at this cafe (see some iPhone food photos of the lunch below).

To view a larger version, click HERE

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Photo May 26, 1 14 18 PM.jpg
Photo May 26, 1 14 23 PM.jpg