Sedona Airport Mesa

Sedona is truly a beautiful place as many of you know.  This is the view from atop a bluff where the airport sits.  It has to be the best airport view in the world.  I’d bet money (a small amount, I’m not crazy) that more people go to the airport to watch the sunset everyday than they do to fly.  There were tons of people up there, like us, for the view….of course this was long before the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Long Beach

We took a cruise out of Long Beach California in 2018.  Like all of our cruises in the past, that was a great trip.  This was our first time leaving out of Long Beach.  As we were leaving, I captured this panorama with my iPhone.  I take a ton of iPhone photos and almost never show them to anyone.  I don’ t know why….the phone takes some great photos.  I just don’t.  So, this might be a first for me.  Anyway, enjoy this view of Long Beach CA.

 To view a larger version, click HERE

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Bonaire Historic Site

We had a wonderful time exploring the entire island.  On the southern end of the island, there are two historic sites with around 8 to 12 of these tiny huts.  One set is painted white and the other is yellow.  These are former huts for the slaves that were used in the Salt Flats way back in history.  Unfortunately, even this beautiful country has a negative mark on their history due to the use of slaves.  I can’t imagine how terrible the working and living conditions were for these poor souls. 

This specific location is also one of the numerous designated scuba diving sites around the island, all marked with a stone painted yellow and the dive site name on it.  As you can see, this dive site is called “white slave”. 

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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Dream Spot

I don’t know about you, but I love being in and around water.  Pools, lakes, ponds, rivers, seas, oceans, etc…  I love them all.  This specific spot is from a resort south of Cancun in Mexico.  I got up super early to capture this sunrise photo.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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The Point

I was out very early this morning with the boys attempting to photograph the sunrise behind downtown Pittsburgh.  We got lucky because it didn’t snow or rain on us, but we never got a pretty sunrise…it was just to cloudy.  Even though we didn’t get the sunrise we wanted, I took a fair number of photos.  Here is one of those photos looking right at The Point Park.   

NOTE:  the park is partially flooded in the photo.

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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often.  PLUS….don’t forget you can get a free gift and 10% off great Think Tank camera gear by using this link:

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Wet Foot Steps

Tonight’s post is a rare photo from me because it includes a person.  I don’t normally include people in my landscape photos.  But I liked this setting with the kid leaving wet footprints behind as he walks towards the village.

Anyway, this is from Puerto Morelos in Mexico.  This is a great little fishing village about 20 minutes south of Cancun.

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Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos

Vista in Montenegro

We couldn’t dock while we were in Kotor Montenegro.  So they had to use tendor boats to get back and forth from shore.  One of the tendors took us around front of the ship, allowing me to capture this great shot of the Carnival Vista with the mountains in the background.

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The Outlook

I took this photo back in June when Michael Shilo Luzano came to visit.  He and I hit a number of iconic Pittsburgh photography spots.  This is an untraditional view of a traditional spot.  The traditional photo is taken out of the Outlook (round platform) of the city.  But I can’t remember ever seeing a photo that included the Outlook platform in the shot. 

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday.  

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Pittsburgh Sunset

I understand this is an usual sunset photo.  But it is in fact a sunset pic.  I took this while on a photo walk with Jay, Brad, and Dave.  We were taking photos along the train tracks as the sun set behind us with the sun reflecting off the buildings.  I processed this photo a couple of times until I got a version that I liked. 

Have a great Labor Day.

One last thing...don't for get to click on the photo below to see it in a larger format.  This small version doesn't do it justice.

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Midnight Swim

Here is a picture I took late at night with a series of long exposures while at the Secrets Silver Sands Resort in Puerto Morelos Mexico last December.  There were all kinds of funky shaped pools in front of every building at this resort.  Basically everyone has his or her own pool.  It was great.

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Dual Sunrise

As I mentioned in my last post, I was attempting to capture the sunrise over the ocean in new and creative ways.  Tonight’s photo was taken from the jogging track on the Carnival Dream.  On the right is the actual sunrise.  On the left, the sunrise is reflecting off the windows to the on board steak house.  I hope you enjoy this different take on common photography subject.

Mexican Sunrise

I am going to be busy over the next week, so if I miss posting over that time, I would like to apologize in advance.  I appreciate everyone visiting and revisiting my blog.  I hope you find what I do interesting and it helps make your day better in some small way.

Tonight’s picture is a sunrise from the Dreams Puerto Morelas Resort in Mexico.  MJ and I got up early every day to check the weather.  If it looked nice outside, we’d go explore the resort before everyone else got out of bed.  It was peaceful and enjoyable to have areas entirely to us.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, please click the picture above.

The Bean

Over the weekend, MJ and I traveled to Chicago to see Pearl Jam play at Wrigley Field with our friends Kris and Scott.  Let me just say the entire day was “EPIC”.  There were so many great times with friends and terrible, terrible, terrible hot weather and storms. 

While in Chicago, I stopped by to take a picture of Cloud Gate, which is commonly referred to as “The Bean”.  This stainless steel sculpture sits in Millennium Park and was designed by Anish Kapoor.  The original estimate for the sculpture was $9 million, but over runs and delays cost the city of Chicago approximately $23 million.  The sculpture was the source of controversy while under construction, but has become a source of pride for the city and a great attraction.  As you can see, it’s normally mobbed by people who come to see the reflection of themselves and the city.

Beautiful city, sculpture and vibe.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

This is our friend Kris and I standing in front of The Bean.
