Looking Down

How is your week going?  Mine has been very busy.  Thus, I’m just getting around to creating this post at 10pm at night.  So, this will be short.


Here is a photo I took a few months ago looking down the US Steel Building onto the streets of downtown Pittsburgh.


To view a larger version, click HERE

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I hope everyone is having a great Friday. 

I was literally going to post a photo of the Navy Yards in Washington DC, until MJ started giving me a hard time again.  I swear all she wants me to post right now are animal photos from South Africa.  I’m afraid all of you will get sick of them, but she can’t get enough of them right now.  Therefore, I have this Impala photo for you.  During the safari, the guide kept calling them “NABIs”, which states for “Not Another Bloody Impala”.  There were so many of them, that we wouldn’t even slow the safari vehicle down to look at them. 

Regardless, I liked this NABI photo I captured from inside Kruger National Park.  To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries to see more South Africa and photos from other locations. 

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Looking Into The Light

Dave, Brad, Dan, Blair and I did a little abandonment photo walk earlier this week.  Blair posed as a model for me in this shot.  Something about this chair in this little room with Blair looking away from the camera, just speaks to me.  We had a good time photographing this structure until the police ran us off.  The police were very nice about it, but they didn’t like the fact we were exploring this urban ruin.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.