Here is a photo I took in 2019 after the sunset on a warm evening. I love the Clemente Bridge and the view towards downtown……
Our Lady Help
This is an abandoned church in Pittsburgh called Our Lady Help of Christians Church. I took this photo back in 2019, but just edited it within the last month. This isn’t a very large church, but it is pretty amazing. Just imagine what it must have looked like back in the day.
Carrie Blast Furnace
I took this photo from inside the Carrie Blast Furnace a few years ago. It probably isn’t the prettiest photo in the world, but I loved this entire space which was one large mechanical wonder.
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Graffiti Alley Sparks
When we (Jason, Jake and I) filmed “Shutter Rush – Baltimore Edition” we captured some steel wool photos and video inside the famous Graffiti Alley. This is an unedited cut of footage that didn’t make it into the film. This is Jason spinning and I filmed this video. By the way, big thanks to Nanuk Cases and Under Armour for sponsoring the film. “Shutter Rush” is available on Amazon Prime.
Sparks Fly
During the recent trip to Gary Indiana to film the 2nd Episode of “Shutter Rush” (look for it in the near future on Amazon Prime), we completed some Steel Wool photos in a number of locations. Jason did all the spinning while Jake, Blair, Mike, Bob and I captured it with video, photo and sound. This is from the basement of the abandoned U.S. Post Office.
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Graffiti Alley
During our road trip to Baltimore, we made a stop at Graffiti Alley in West Baltimore….let me say that it was just amazing. Of course, I love and appreciate nicely done graffiti. This spot is basically, an “L” shaped alley that is painted with hundreds (maybe over a thousand) murals and graffiti (street art).
The city (or someone) allows people to do make it sort of an outside permanent, but always changing, art exhibit. This spot is consistently being used for photo shoots, videos, etc… We did our own little photo shoot using steel wool (and Jake got sucked into photographing some local rappers). I’ve done this in the past at various locations. Normally, I’m the person spinning the steel wool. This time @jasonpohuski did the spinning, while @jakemysliwczykphoto and I captured it via photos and video using five devices.
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US Steel Building
Here is a unique perspective for you. This is the US Steel Building in downtown Pittsburgh. This may be the only photo of this building taken from this perspective ever!!
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View From The Top
I had a good photo walk with Blair, Brad and Dave recently in Pittsburgh. It was a nice hanging out with the guys and capturing some photos.
If you’re not familiar with Pittsburgh, this building is called the US Steel Building (even though it has UPMC on it) and is the tallest building in the city. There are great views from within and outside.
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Looking Down
How is your week going? Mine has been very busy. Thus, I’m just getting around to creating this post at 10pm at night. So, this will be short.
Here is a photo I took a few months ago looking down the US Steel Building onto the streets of downtown Pittsburgh.
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Pripyat Train Bridge
This is the bridge our train crossed going back and forth to Chernobyl every day. Towards the end of the week, we went to this spot to photograph the bridge with the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Number 4 and its new sarcophagus in the background. As you can tell, it was very overcast that afternoon…..
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Down View
Here is a unique perspective of the US Steel Building in Pittsburgh. We don’t normally see the world from these angles. I’ve taken a bunch of photos looking straight up buildings in the past. I haven’t taken many like this using the opposite perspective. I’m digging it.
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US Steel Building
Sorry I’ve been absent lately…. Just very busy with work lately.
I finally got out to take some photos last night. Yes, finally!!! Dave, Emily and I hit the North Shore of Pittsburgh. We took some photos, grabbed dinner and then took some more photos.
Here is an unusual Pittsburgh perspective for you. Have a great weekend.
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Motherland Monument
This massive statue sits on top of the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)…we know it as World War II. This stainless-steel statue is 203 feet tall. Counting the museum building it sit on, the entire structure is 335 feet tall and it weighs 560 tons. The sword in her right hand is 52 feet long by itself and weighs 9 tons. That’s a huge statue by any comparison!! The State Emblem of the Soviet Union is on the shield. Even though this war ended in 1945, they didn’t start the construction of this statue until 1979 and it was completed in 1981.
In Kiev, Ukraine where this is located, the statue is controversial due to Ukraine’s complicated and currently rough relationship with Russia. Blair and I spent a few hours walking around this national park photographing the war monuments, tanks, etc…. If you’re wondering, the blue and yellow tank in the foreground is painted the Ukrainian colors.
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What do you think of this photo? It’s one of those photos that I like but am not sure whether anyone else will like it or not.
This pile of gears was inside the main building at Carrie Furnace. I liked this perspective with all the gears going from the foreground to mid photo with the rest of the industrial building in the back ground. Anyway… thoughts on this?
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Inside Carrie Furnace
Per my normal routine, I’ve been hopping around processing photos from different trips, photo walks, locations, dates, etc… Last weekend I was processing photos I took in 2016 from the Carrie Furnace. That’s when I found this beauty waiting to be viewed. This was inside the main building that supported the steel blast furnace.
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Happy Thursday!! I hope you had a great day. I’m ready for Friday and the start of the weekend. I have some chores to do. Otherwise, my only “to do” this weekend is to photograph the Steelers game against the Chargers on Sunday night. So until then, here is a photo I took of Mike Tomlin earlier this year.
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Allegheny Cemetery
Last year after hitting up an Urbex spot, Blair and I stopped by this location for a few pics. This was my first visit (so far my only visit) to the Allegheny Cemetery. I loved this entrance.
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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries. I update and add to them often.
Pittsburgh's Past
I’ve posted some photos from this spot, Carrie Furnace, in the past. We got private access to this site and spent a few hours photographing it from multiple angles (inside and out). I love the fact that they’re saving this for historical purposes. All other steel mill site around Pittsburgh area already gone.
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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries. I update and add to them often.
Carrie Furnace
I need to get out and take some photos soon. I’m going through withdrawal and I don’t like it. I enjoy processing photos, but its not even close to the happiness I feel when I’m out exploring an area and trying to capture it’s beauty with my camera. The last photos I took were over a month ago….. so sad…
By the way, I took this photo at the Carrie Furnace south of Pittsburgh. This is part of the larger mechanical structure. I sort of liked this perspective.
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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries. I update and add to them often.
Carrie Furnace
As you all know, I process photos by jumping around. I process a few photos from one location, then process a few from another location, then onto the next one, etc… I never process photos in a linear way…I just get bored to easily. So here is a photo I processed last night from a photo walk I did in 2016 at the Carrie Furnace south of Pittsburgh.
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Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries. I update and add to them often.