UFO Tower

Below is a photo series of the UFO Tower on top of the SNP Bridge in Bratislava Slovakia.  This unique UFO structure is an elevated restaurant and observation tower on the south side of the Danube River.  I loved this spot and this city…thus I took a ton of drone photos. 

Gulf Tower

We captured some photos in downtown Pittsburgh a few weeks ago.  My photo buddy posted his version of this building, so I’ll share my as well.  For those of you who don’t know, this is an iconic building in the Burgh and the colors change color based on the weather. 

 To view a larger version, click HERE

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Chernobyl Cooling Tower

I’ve just started to look at and edit a few photos from our trip to Ukraine to visit Chernobyl and the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.  It’ll probably take me years at the pace I work and the current back log of photos I have to edit.  Regardless, here is a photo I took inside the cooling tower, which is near nuclear reactor #4, #5 and #6.  I loved this mural someone painted on the wall.

To view a larger version, click HERE

Don’t forget to check out my photo galleries.  I update and add to them often. 

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NYC Art House

The last couple of times we’ve been in NYC, this Art House has been setup on the Brooklyn side of the Brooklyn Bridge.  You can see the bridge, the East River and Manhattan in the background.   I love this area of NYC at night.  The view of the city is wonderful.  I think it would be hard to find a better cityscape view anywhere else. 

To see a larger version, click here:  https://500px.com/photo/190719857/nyc-art-house-by-brook-ward?ctx_page=1&from=user&user_id=3695440

NYC Art House

NYC Art House

Chicago Skyline

Young (Trump Tower) vs. Old (Wrigley Building).  Chicago has an amazing number of beautiful and historic buildings.  These two are a mix of architecture styles, materials, thinking, purpose, etc…..  I loved this picture for so many reasons.  I hope you like it as well.

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the photo above.

Sacramento River

It’s hard to believe it was a year and a half ago since I was last in Sacramento.  I am always amazed at how quickly time flies by.  I got up before the sunrise and walked about 1.5 miles to this location.  I think the only other people up at that time were the homeless men, women and children of Sacramento.  I left the homeless alone and they did the same with me.  It was a peaceful morning and I got some great photos. 

Crossing the Sacramento River, the Tower Bridge is 737 feet long with a vertical lift for boat traffic.  The towers are 160 feet tall and the bridge was made with four lanes for cars and one large center lane for trains.  Construction of the bridge started in 1911 and was completed in 1933.  In 1982, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places.  Today the bridge is only used for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.      

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To purchase a print or view the entire gallery, click the picture above.



Alcatraz Water Tower

I have something different for you today.  While we were in San Francisco, I did a tour of Alcatraz, which was very cool.  But I didn’t get many great photos while I was there.  It was very difficult with all the tourist, fog, etc…  While walking the island, I came across the water tower and loved the scene (I may have been the only one on the island that even noticed it).  There was so much fog in the air, that it blocked the entire sky and masked the sun.  It made it look like a very overcast day and gave the sky so much character.  So all of these elements seemed to come together just for this picture. 

I haven’t done many black and white photos in the past, so I hope you like it.


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