Tomlin and Wilson

I took this photo post game at Heinz Field in 2019.  It was nice capturing Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach Mike Tomlin and Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson chatting with each other.  You could tell there was mutual respect between them.

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Pittsburgh Spring

With 2020 lost to COVID, I didn’t get out and take as many photos as I normally would, and that has carried over into 2021.  I’m just not motivated or energized like I was in the past…..  Maybe work has taken a toll on me??  Regardless,  I need to get out of this funk.  So, I haven’t taken any spring photos this year.  Therefore, here is one from 2019 down near the Clemente Bridge in downtown Pittsburgh.

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Hospital Lobby

This is the Pripyat Hospital lobby inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.  This hospital received and cared for the firefighters who responded to the nuclear reactor disaster when the Chernobyl accident occurred.  All of the firefighters died of radiation exposure.

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Pripyat Cultural Center Gym

I liked how they painted this basketball floor blue back when it was built in the 1970s. The windows are long gone along with the floor’s finish, but you can still see the paint and lines for the court. At some point, I want to go back to Chernobyl for some additional exploration.

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Rays of Sunshine

Arriving at downtown Pittsburgh from this bridge is one of the few great city entrances.  You can’t see the city driving towards it due to Mt. Washington and then you enter the tunnel, which is maybe a mile lone (not totally sure on that distance).  As soon as you exit the tunnel, you are immediately on Fort Pitt Bridge and the city explodes into view.  I’ve never found anything like it in any other city.

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