Tired of Winter - Miami Beach Sunrise

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am already tried of the cold, dark winter.  I am ready for spring, warm weather and no snow.

Miami Beach

As you know, MJ and I went to Miami for Christmas.  When we are at home, I stay up late and don’t like to get up early in the morning.  But when I am traveling, I do the exact opposite for a few reasons:

I don’t care about the party scene, when everyone else is at the bar/club. 

I get great photos very early in the morning during the sunrise (and shortly after) and I am usually the only person around.  So I don’t have to worry about people getting in my picture.

That’s how I captured this picture on our trip to Miami.  I got up when it was still dark and frankly a little cool outside.  I got down to the beach and found the spot I liked to get some great photos.  I got my camera/tripod all setup and just watched the sunrise by myself.  Then I proceeded to take a bunch of photos.  This picture is aimed toward the south with the sunrise on the left (in the eastern sky).  I didn’t intend to take photos of the hotels that morning, but as I watched the sun come up, I noticed the beach and hotels looked cool in the early morning light.  Here are the specs:

5 set bracketed set of photos (+2, +1, 0, -1, -2)

Nikon D800 in Aperture mode set at f11 and ISO at 100

Processed with Photomatix Pro and minor adjustments done in Photoshop CS6.

I hope you enjoy the picture.

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